Pecos National Historical Park – Field Trip Report

On September 14, 2024, a dozen chapter members hiked and birded the South Pasture Trail in Pecos National Historical Park. Led by chapter board members Albert Shultz and Rick Rockman, the group enjoyed a beautiful day with mild weather for this four-mile loop hike. Although only a few migrant warblers and sparrows showed up, there were a several species of flycatchers (Say’s Phoebe, Western Wood-Pewee) and raptors (Sharp-shinned, Cooper’s and Red-tailed hawks; American Kestrel). Highlights were a flock of about 50 Pinyon Jays noisily sweeping through the treetops at the start of the hike, and a small group of Lewis’s Woodpeckers flying from the tall conifers near the south end of the pasture. At least one participant got a life bird, making it a memorable day. This was our second birding trip to this site, following an equally successful foray in September 2022.

Pecos National Historical Park

Saturday, Sept. 14 – 8:15 am
 Leader: Albert Shultz –   505-699-1521

This walk along the easy, four-mile South Pasture Trail passes through grassland, piñon-juniper woodland, and a cottonwood-willow riparian area along the Pecos River. Migrant sparrows, warblers and other songbirds are expected, with potential appearances by waterfowl and raptors. We will meet at the Visitor Center at Pecos National Historical Park, then drive/carpool to the trailhead. We will return around noon. This trip is limited to 16 people; please contact the trip leader to reserve a spot.

HawkWatch at Capilla Peak, Manzano Mountains

Sunday, September 29 – 7 am departure
Leader: Rick Rockman – 505-660-9972 or

This full-day field trip is to a high-altitude lookout in the Manzano Mountains, and is appropriate for all levels of birders, especially those interested in raptors. A moderate-to-steep hike of approximately ½ mile leads to the rocky HawkWatch site, a raptor observing and banding station, on Capilla Peak, elevation 9,379 feet. The main objective of the group’s efforts is to track long-term population trends of diurnal raptors, primarily in western North America.

The lookout site offers a chance to see up to 18 species of raptors during the fall migration. The 12-mile road from the town of Manzano to the parking area near the summit is gravel and is usually in good condition. This field trip will last until 1:30-2 pm, and weather conditions can change quickly, so bring layers of clothing, a sturdy pair of shoes or boots, a raincoat and hat, water, lunch or snacks, sun protection and binoculars. You might also consider bringing a soft cushion to sit on, as the Capilla Peak lookout is situated on a shadeless rocky ledge. Meet at the parking lot next to Pecos Trail Café in Santa Fe at 7:00 am. Please park on Calle Espejo, off Old Pecos Trail. This trip is limited to 10 participants; please contact the trip leader via email to reserve a spot.

Upper Los Alamos Canyon

Saturday, May 4th – 8:00 am
Leader: Rene Laubach,

We will walk 3.8 miles from scenic upper Los Alamos Canyon to Los Alamos Canyon Reservoir and back. The service-road grade is fairly easy and permits good group viewing. We will be seeking Red-naped Sapsucker, flycatchers, vireos and warblers as well as resident species such as Acorn Woodpecker and Stellerʼs Jay. Limited to 8 participants. Meet at 8 a.m. at the junction of West Road and Omega Road (just east of the Los Alamos County Ice Rink), where there is ample parking.

Contact Rene prior to May 4th for details and to register at