Pecos National Historical Park – Field Trip Report
On September 14, 2024, a dozen chapter members hiked and birded the South Pasture Trail in Pecos National Historical Park. Led by chapter board members Albert Shultz and Rick Rockman, the group enjoyed a beautiful day with mild weather for this four-mile loop hike. Although only a few migrant warblers and sparrows showed up, there were a several species of flycatchers (Say’s Phoebe, Western Wood-Pewee) and raptors (Sharp-shinned, Cooper’s and Red-tailed hawks; American Kestrel). Highlights were a flock of about 50 Pinyon Jays noisily sweeping through the treetops at the start of the hike, and a small group of Lewis’s Woodpeckers flying from the tall conifers near the south end of the pasture. At least one participant got a life bird, making it a memorable day. This was our second birding trip to this site, following an equally successful foray in September 2022.