© Charles Slocomb
We are bird and nature lovers, just like you!
Membership in the National Audubon Society and residence in our geographic area confers membership in the Sangre de Cristo Audubon Society. Membership can be applied for online. Please use the button below and scroll down in the box to select Sangre de Cristo Audubon.
You can also sign up for receipt of our email announcements and Newsletter by signing up through Constant Contact and you can change your address or delivery choices at any time.
The Board of Directors of the Sangre de Cristo Audubon Society is made up entirely of volunteers who support the mission of the organization and undertake to support the organization by providing advice and counsel and by performing various duties for the Society.
Sangre de Cristo Audubon Society is an independent 501(c)(3) organization under the Internal Revenue Code. The property and affairs of the Sangre de Cristo Audubon Society are managed and controlled by the volunteer Board of Directors, subject to the restrictions imposed by law, by the Articles of Incorporation, and by the Bylaws of the organization.
President | Vacant
Vice President | Vacant
Secretary | Vacant
Treasurer | Carlyn Jervis
Committee Chairs:
Conservation | Bob Guenther
Field Trips | Rick Rockman
Newsletter | Gordon Smith
Publicity | Vacant
Membership | Joanna Hatt
At Large:
Sheila Gershen
Bob Guenther
Tom Jervis
Gordon Smith
Albert Shultz
Maria Spray
Tom Taylor
Shane Woolbright
Janie Zacklin
Sangre de Cristo Audubon Society is an all volunteer organization. We are completely dependent on you, our members to continue to provide the services we offer to the community in education, nature appreciation, and conservation.
Below is a chart that outlines the opportunities that are available. We encourage you to consider volunteering to help our chapter continue to provide quality programs and educational opportunities. The group cannot continue without new people bringing new ideas and energy forward.
If you are interested in any of these opportunities, please contact: Tom Jervis via phone 988-1708 or email. We need your help!