Our chapter is seeking a ninth board member, preferably with an interest in program development and the six evening programs that we host each year, to join our board and help revitalize our activities. In this role, you will help recruit presenters, arrange venues for the presentations, and assist our board member in charge of communications to get the word out. Our evening programs are free for anyone to attend. No particular expertise or background is necessary. All that is required is a curiosity to identify topics, schedule presenters who would interest chapter members, and encourage members to attend. The nine-member board works collaboratively, and your fellow board members will assist you in building the program calendar. In addition, you will participate in the board’s regular quarterly business meetings. As a board member, you will have a voice in our other activities, including field trips to birding hotspots; advocacy for conservation at the local, state, and federal levels; collection of data for climate watch; and keeping members informed through our website (audubonsantafe.org) and emails. If you think you might be the right person for our board opening, send us an email telling us a little bit about yourself to the following email address: robertlguenther5@gmail.com